What is Software Asset Management – The basics…

Software Asset Management (SAM) is the practice of managing software licenses, entitlements, and installations across an organisation. It involves tracking the versions and usage of software within the company or organisation to ensure compliance with license agreements, identify opportunities for cost savings, prevent unauthorized access or use of software, and maintain accurate inventory records. SAM can also include other related activities such as license reconciliation and optimisation, patching and updating software systems, security assessments, and ongoing maintenance of software assets.

Why do companies need software asset management?

With the rise of cloud computing, software asset management is becoming even more important as it helps organisations monitor and control their usage and spending of cloud services. SAM can help organisations cut costs and stay compliant with regulatory requirements by ensuring that they are only paying for what they need and are not overspending on unnecessary licenses or applications. Additionally, SAM allows companies to identify potential cyber threats, reduce the risk of data loss, and ensure that software is patched and updated regularly to keep the network safe. Finally, SAM can provide valuable insights into how software is being used within an organisation, helping to improve its efficiency and productivity.

In addition, software asset management helps companies avoid costly fines from licensing authorities for failing to adhere to the terms of their license agreements. Software asset management is an essential part of any organisation’s IT security strategy, and it should be an ongoing process to ensure maximum protection from cyber threats.

What are the benefits associated with good Software Asset Management?

The benefits associated with good software asset management are numerous. First and foremost, it increases visibility and control over software licenses, allowing companies to effectively manage their investments in technology. SAM can also help organisations identify potential areas of cost savings by eliminating redundant or unnecessary licenses, as well as reduce security risks by ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to the necessary software. Lastly, a good SAM system provides IT teams with an easy way to troubleshoot any issues that may arise from outdated or incompatible software. In short, having an effective SAM program helps organisations get the most value out of their technology investments and keeps them secure from potential vulnerabilities.

To sum up, the benefits associated with good software asset management include:

  1. Lower costs due to improved visibility and control of purchased software licenses.
  2. Increased flexibility to adapt quickly to changing business needs and budget constraints.
  3. Improved compliance by reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties due to overspending or overuse of software licenses.
  4. Greater efficiency in deploying and managing software applications across the organisation.
  5. Reduced security risks from unknown or unpatched applications.
  6. Improved customer satisfaction through more reliable availability and performance of software applications.

What difficulties do companies face when trying to implement software asset management?

Implementing software asset management can be a difficult and time-consuming process, as it requires a great deal of planning and coordination across multiple teams. Companies may encounter several obstacles during the implementation process, such as:

  • High upfront costs – Software asset management typically requires significant investments in hardware, software and personnel to be effective.
  • Difficulty maintaining accurate records – Companies must ensure that their software asset records are up-to-date and accurate to remain compliant with legal and contractual obligations.
  • Security risks – Companies must be vigilant in managing security risks associated with their software assets, as malicious actors may exploit vulnerabilities within the system.
  • Data integration issues – Companies often struggle to integrate data from different sources into a single unified system for efficient management of their software assets.
  • Lack of training resources – Training staff on proper software asset management practices can be difficult and costly for companies that are new to the process.
  • External threats – Companies must remain vigilant for external threats such as malicious actors attempting to bypass software license restrictions.
  • Internal misuse – Companies should also be aware of potential internal misuse or abuse of software licenses, which can lead to higher costs and decreased productivity.

In summary, companies face several difficulties when attempting to implement software asset management, including inadequate visibility into the software inventory, insufficient system and data security, difficulty in detecting and preventing illegal software installations, misunderstanding of the need for licensing enforcement and poor control over upgrades and updates. In addition, most organisations attempt to fully automate the whole process of SAM rather than create blocks of automation; this in part is due to the SAM technology industry selling the idea that it is possible to fully automate all aspects of SAM. The reality is that for years organisations have purchased leading SAM technologies only to see their SAM projects fail miserably.  As the cloud continues to grow the past 20 years of automation features that SAM technologies have sold are now no longer required (more on this in up-and-coming blogs). Companies may also struggle with a lack of standardisation across different IT departments or organisations and an inability to connect asset data with financials or cost centres. Lastly, companies must remain compliant with changing regulations related to software licensing.

Are you looking for a company to provide SAM in your organisation?

Appstrato can help. We are a technology-enabled SAM service business with over 100 years of combined experience, blended with our own SaaS SAM platform. We don’t rely on 3rd party SAM technologies, and we don’t sell features or functionality that are not appropriate or achievable. Our approach is completely different to the industry standards but our success rate is 100%.

We have the experience and expertise to implement a robust software asset management system that meets your organisation’s needs while ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations. With our dedicated team of experts, we guarantee fast, reliable and secure solutions tailored to your specific requirements.

Moreover, with Appstrato’s cloud-based SAM solutions, companies can take full advantage of the scalability, streamlined workflow and integration capabilities of a cloud-based platform. This allows organisations to quickly adopt new technologies and adapt their SAM strategy as quickly as their business needs change. Our comprehensive solution will provide the visibility, control and blocks of automation necessary for your organisation to successfully manage its software assets. With Appstrato, you can take full confidence that your software will be managed efficiently and practically.

Want complete assurance on your software estate… time for a change… SAM version 2.0… Contact us for more information.